365 for 2014

I started this blog to record just 1 year - I'm into my fourth year now, not great photography but a record for myself none the less!

Saturday 27 June 2015


Lilies still good from last week

Pub and dinner with Tall Girl

Thursday 25 June 2015

Gardening after work...

This Mock Orange smells amazing in the garden and has never bloomed so profusely 

This caterpillar was massive, Small Sprog reliably told me it will turn into a moth- I was thinking more dinosaur!

And then this happened!

Sad day

We said goodbye forever today.

Monday 22 June 2015

Post birthday!

From a student whose birthday is the day after mine

Flowers from yesterday- they smell amazing 


Getting very wobbly and not really eating, he's 19 and a quater, I don't think he'll last much longer :-(